

Along with many of the ancient Livery Companies, The Salters’ Company has maintained almshouses for over 600 years and continues to provide accommodation to people in need to this day. The Salters’ Company owns almshouses in Maidenhead, offering secure and affordable housing, along with a sense of community and care, and owns the lease of one in Watford.

James Smith’s Almshouses, Maidenhead

The James Smith’s Almshouses were established in 1661 to house “eight poor ancient men and their wives, inhabitants of Maidenhead or Cookham, each of them to be 50 years at least”. Today, the James Smith’s almshouses remain in the original Grade II* listed building, the oldest in Maidenhead, and eight residents are housed, according to age and need. The Company maintains full responsibility for pastoral care and to manage these dwellings through an appointed agent. In addition, the charity leased surplus land to the rear of the almshouses to the local authority which constructed and manage the nine bungalows and which form Salters’ Gardens; the lease expires in 2089 at which point the land and most of the buildings revert to the Salters’ Company.

Nicholas and Beamond Almshouses, Watford

The Grade II* listed Nicholas and Beamond Almshouses were built in 1863 having been moved from the original site in the City of London. There are 47 residences, with all leased to Home Group Housing Association which has sole responsibility to manage both the property and the residents’ pastoral care. The lease ends on 31 December 2116.

Application enquiries for Maidenhead can be directed to Katherine Walker, at

All the flats are currently occupied.  If a vacancy becomes available, we will highlight this on the website.