
The Court of Assistants

The Salters’ Company is governed by the Court of Assistants (the Trustees) which is chaired by the Master and supported by the Upper Warden, Second Warden and Renter. It consists of more than 20 Assistants who are senior members of the Livery, some of whom are Past Masters. The Court determines the Company’s policy and oversees all business.

The day to day administration is conducted by a permanent staff headed up by the Clerk. These positions are elected annually by the General Court, which consists of the Master, the two Wardens, the Renter, the Court of Assistants and other members of the Livery.

The Master and Wardens

After a satisfactory period serving as an Assistant, a Court Member becomes eligible to be elected to the offices of Renter, Second Warden, Upper Warden and Master.

For a year, the new Master commits himself or herself, with the Clerk's guidance, to the leadership of the Company. Election Day takes place annually in June.


The Company has around 16 full and part time employees. The Clerk is the Chief Executive of the Company with overall responsibility for managing its assets and organising its various activities and initiatives – charitable, educational and those relating to the membership. The Company's business is conducted through a variety of Committees.

The Salters’ Company Committees

There are several Committees and Sub Committees that assist in the governance and running of the Company and its interests. Members of the Freedom or Livery can apply to join a Committee when a vacancy occurs, and generally a term of service on a Committee is three years, starting at Election Day.

The main responsibilities of each Committee are set out below:

The Management Board consists of the Master and Wardens, the Renter and the Chairmen of various Committees. Members are elected annually by ballot at a meeting of the Court held on Election Day. The Board’s role is to review all business relating to the finances, general policy and other general business of the Company. It appraises all reports compiled by the Clerk for submission to the Court and discusses any other outstanding matters for the Court.

The Board of Directors consists of the Master, Wardens, Renter and Chairs of the Committees who all sit on the Management Board. It is responsible for the affairs of the Salters’ Management Company Ltd (SMC).  SMC is a UK private company limited by shares and wholly owned by the Salters' Company.

The Budget Audit and Accounts Committee reports on and makes recommendations to the Management Board on all budgetary, audit and accounting functions within the Company and its charities.

The Charities Committee considers and recommends to the Court the policy for charitable giving and works to fulfil the Company’s agreed policy. It is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Salters’ Charitable Foundation, and the charities that support the Company’s two Almshouses at Maidenhead and Watford. The Committee reports directly to the Court which acts as trustee of the Company’s charities.

The Court & Livery Selection Committee reviews, considers and makes recommendations on candidates for Admission to the Freedom and to the Livery of the Company.

The Fundraising Committee considers and recommends to the Court the policy for fundraising and works to fulfil the Company’s agreed policy.

The Hall Committee advises and provides guidance and governance on all property matters relating to the servicing, running and commercial letting of Salters’ Hall and other Salters’ property. It is also responsible for the collections of silver and art and the archives.

The Institute Board of Management ensures that, through its activities, the Salters’ Institute continues to promote the appreciation of Chemistry and related sciences among the young, and to encourage careers in the teaching of Chemistry and in the UK chemical and allied industries.

The Investment Committee provides advice and recommendations to the Court on the strategic allocation, management and custody of all listed and unlisted investment assets, including property and cash belonging to the Salters' Company.

The Members & Communications Committee ensures all communities across the Company have the opportunity to find out about and engage with Salters in order to expand the profile, influence and impact that the Company can have.

The Wine Sub-Committee works to maintain a cellar of high-quality wines to be served at Livery Dinners and other Company functions.

The Young Livery & Freedom Committee consists of members of the Livery and Freedom aged under 40. Its main purpose is to help to engage younger and recently joined Salters in the business and activities of the Company, and to propose and establish a programme of tailored events for this group.